Are you having trouble getting a good night's rest? If so, you may want to consider adding some sleep-promoting foods to your diet. Cherries, walnuts, and maca are all tasty options that have been shown to have potential benefits for sleep.
You may have missed our giveaway with Nubocha, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy a fun twist on a summer favorite. We paired our Peach and Pomegranate Tea Cookies with Nubocha pistachio dairy free gelato and roasted, organic California peaches.
This month we teamed up with Trade Street Jams and Vicky Cakes to bring you the ultimate way to eat good and support black-owned businesses. The Black-Owned Breakfast Box includes the TSJ’s Blueberry Lemon Basil Jam paired with Vicky Cakes Blueberry Pancake & Waffle Mix and Gwell Chocolate Maca Granola Clusters. Plus the TSJ wooden jam spoon.
We recently partnered with KYCS to add Gwell bites to their New York box. In doing so, we were excited to be in the company of amazing New York brands including Joe Coffee Company, Mast Chocolate and Palermo Body. It inspired us to come up with a few fun ways to use them in our daily lives.
We’ve tried many plant-based ice-creams, and our favorites are always the creamiest. The challenge is that usually cream adds the calories. We set out to find a balance between the creamy ice-cream we love and a slightly more waist-friendly version.
Here’s what we came up with. We mixed aquafaba and coconut cream in equal proportions and added RISE organic oat milk. For a creamier result, reduce the aquafaba and increase the coconut cream.