ISSUE 5 - New Year, Same You: Rediscovering Joy in Wellness

Back to our roots - foods from childhood that bring joy
Experience the nostalgia and health benefits of cultural foods like dates, coconut, mango, and curry with this heartfelt reflection on the importance of cultural cuisine. What are some childhood foods you love?
Learn from your cravings
What do your cravings say about your physical and mental health? Take a few minutes to dive into these articles to discover what these cravings might be telling you and how you can address these needs for improved wellness.
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Using mental time travel to build healthy habits
Ok, please stay with me on this one. Have you ever had a hard time resisting your impulses, particularly when trying to build a new habit? It could be something as simple as undervaluing going to bed 30 minutes earlier in favor of the instant gratification of watching 30 more minutes of your favorite show. Episodic future thinking, or mental time travel, is a way to strengthen your ability to make decisions that are better for you in the long run by vivily imagining future positive experiences or rewards. [Source]
Why you should be having more fun
When was the last time you had fun? Research suggests, that even micro-moments of play can help to improve mood and improve coping effectiveness in people with chronic illnesses. [Source]
We are definitely on team, keep things simple, but if you like to analyze things, here’s a fun exercise. Do you know your play type? A study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences identified four categories of playful personality traits: other-directed, lighthearted, intellectual and whimsical. Check it out and see how this might influence how you can have more fun.
Have you scheduled your annual wellness appointments?
Here are a few you should go ahead and get on the calendar for the year.
- Physical examination: This is a comprehensive check-up that includes a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and any necessary screenings or tests. Make sure to get comprehensive bloodwork.
- Dental check-up: It's important to visit the dentist at least once a year for a cleaning and check-up. This can help prevent dental problems and maintain good oral health.
- Eye exam: If you wear glasses or contacts, you should get your eyes checked at least once a year. Even if you don't need vision correction, it's still a good idea to get your eyes checked regularly to check for any potential problems.
- Gynecological exam: Women should get a gynecological exam once a year, including a pap smear to check for cervical cancer.
It's also a good idea to schedule appointments with any other specialists you may see, such as a dermatologist or allergist, as recommended by your primary care doctor.
Affordable Healthcare resources:
Don’t have insurance? Use this to find low-cost health care in your community
Get access to affordable prescriptions via Cost Plus Drug Company
Inclusive wellness resources:
Kiira Health - 24/7 access to premium culturally competent healthcare for women
FOLX Health - Online affirming care for the LGBTQ+ community
Twentyeight Health - focus on increasing reproductive and sexual healthcare access to underserved communities, Through low-cost mobile access to birth control prescriptions, this women’s health champion covers 85% of women of reproductive age in the U.S.
Mahmee - Discover leading care providers in maternal & infant health.
Choose Joy
Have you tried giving yourself brain breaks?
Many people start the year with renewed focus and fresh goals. One of the biggest hurdles people face is staying consistent and focused. Brain breaks are short activities designed to keep people mentally focused and prepared. They help you to energize or relax in order to increase mental capacity. In education, “brain breaks are planned learning activity shifts that mobilize different networks of the brain. These shifts allow those regions of the brain that are blocked by stress or high-intensity work to revitalize. Brain breaks, by switching activity to different brain networks, allow the resting pathways to restore their calm focus and foster optimal mood, attention, and memory.” [Source]
Read more:
Brain breaks for groups - adults
Brain Breaks & Ice Breakers for Virtual Meetings
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